Sonic Drilling
Geo-Ex now offers Sonic drilling. Sonic can be used to get through overburden, fill, and many other formations that prove difficult to get through with traditional drilling methods. Our track mounted rig is capable of taking 10’ continuous samples for environmental purposes, or reducing down to 5’ cores with SPT sampling. Our rig is equipped with an auto hammer for sampling and rock coring head for confirmation cores when bedrock is encountered.
Geo-Ex has traditional 4X6, 6X8 and SDT (Sonic Dual Tube) systems available. The SDT system vibrates the outer casing and inner barrel at the same time. Once the target depth is reached, the inner barrel can be tripped out with rods, leaving the outer casing in to prevent sloughing and cross contamination. Driven SPT, Mod Cal or Shelby Tubes can be taken through these systems.