Our Projects
Geo-Ex performs a wide range of projects including roadways borings, drilling through levees, dams, limited access and much more.
Here are a few projects that were recently completed:
Delta Conveyance
Sacramento, CA to Galt, CA
Drilled and sampled 9ea borings ranging from 150-200’ using the 134MM Punch Coring System. Continuous samples were taken with Punch Coring, SPTs, Shelby Tubes, Pitcher Barrel and Piston Samplers.
Port of Stockton
Stockton, CA
Drilled and sampled 15ea borings ranging from 90-150’. Pushed over 50 CPTs ranging from 80-100’. Five CPTs where pushed through the existing wharf. Dual casing was set with our track mounted rig through the deck to support CPT rods. Two borings were drilled inside an existing warehouse to 150’.
USACE 5-Year Drilling IDIQ
Geo-Ex has performed many task orders under our Drilling IDIQ for USACE. These task orders have required Sonic, Rotary Wash, CPT, DPT and Concrete Coring.
Jelly’s Ferry Bridge
Red Bluff, California
Rock cored 20 locations over 100’ using HQ Wireline. Eight locations were cored over an existing 10’ diameter shaft, open to 90’. Geo-Ex had the contractor fill in ten feet of slurry inside the shaft to stabilize our 90’ conductor casing to recirculate cores.